ethical fashion Tag

  Questo articolo è stato pubblicato per la prima volta sul The Guardian’s Sustainable Business il 12 February 2015. Design innovativo e attenzione al sociale sono nuovi temi che stanno interessando il mondo della moda, partendo dalla produzione etica fino al riciclo dei proiettili e delle bombe....

                           Every year at the Academy Awards, audiences are looking at the dresses nearly as closely as the films. Lately, various high profile women have taken initiatives to make good use of the spotlight to bring green fashion on the red carpet.No, not literally green (although...

On October 15th, Cassandra appeared on RTHK's Radio 3 Morning Brew programme, hosted by Phil Whelan. Morning Brew is a chat and music show where guests include regular contributors and drop-ins, who span topics from earnest current affairs to entertainment to what's on in Hong Kong.While...